When my son was young every year I used to crack my brain on where and what we should be doing at least 3 times a year. He started traveling at a very young age - 4 months to be precise he took his 1st flight from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. Since then he has flown almost all over the world. Times has changed for our children in the 80's. I remembered I had my 1st overseas holiday when I was in my teens.
These days children are more lucky we may say or it's just lifestyle has changed. Most in developed countries traveled at young ages and by the time they are an adult they have at least been overseas once. For the parents who are planning the holidays they are tons of web sites assisting them. The internet age has made travel planning easy and in many ways a joy. There are pictures to see, videos to watch, other people experience to learn from and finally you make a decision - not forgetting finding you the best deal. Only recently did i learn that there is a site call Kayak.com
. Kayak consolidate the best deals on the web for us. Everyday brings new learning. Before I was dependent on Expedia, Travelocity, now - 1 click on Kayak.com
I can see all the results from Expedia, Travelocity and do comparison. What will happen to the travel agency? Do we need them anymore?
This brings me to the question of types of vacations for families. Cruises seems to be catching on, I can understand why - with ship services providing care for your kids, the adults can enjoy themselves. Since I am web publisher for a travel site to North Italy it dawn on me last evening - why not Italian learning holidays. Exactly this afternoon I added a section on family holidays. Yes to be honest when I first wrote this page I didn't think of family. It's not common you see to have family coming together for this usually it's for individual. The more I think about it I am convinced that this is a great way for family to holiday.
- Something for everyone in it - travel experience, language learning and learning an Italian art.
- Learning a 2nd language is always handy especially when you are in the country to use it, children often learn faster than adults and if they can have simple conversation with locals it will certainly enrich their experience.
- For the parents - once you have your learning holiday mapped out, you can sit back and relax while the rest goes on auto-pilot. Remember how we used to wakeup in the morning during holidays and scratch out head for what activity to do today to keep our kids busy well you wouldn't need to do this on Learning holidays.
- Bonding time - everyone is learning and experiencing the same thing which makes interesting conversation. At the end of class family can reflect on the day experience.
Perfect I said to myself when I finished writing my page on Family Learning Holidays. Like I said I have not seen or read any research findings on families taking such vacations so I am not sure whether it will take on. We shall see what the future brings.